Membership Information

We have several levels of membership depending.  Regardless of which level you choose, we want you to know that $20 of every dues payment goes to our International Office to cover operating expenses and our annual donation to the Second Century Fund. The remainder of your payment stays in our Chapter to cover our operating expenses, event expenses and service projects.  Please fill out the membership form below and mail your dues to the address listed.

You can also send your dues in via Zelle: 901-413-1291.  

2019-20 Membership_Form.pdf


ZTAs are taking an even more active role in Panhellenic this year. Panhellenic meeting are always the second Saturday of the month, October - April. Dues are only $25. Panhellenic is a great group in which to network.
Panhellenic_Membership_Form_2019_2020 (3).docx  






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